Olsen Aventures

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Hiking - Mt. Albert

May 25, 2020

We finally did our first hike of the year. I love hiking. It is one of my favourite things to do over the summer. There is just something so special about being in nature, on a mountaintop, looking over the world. I just feed off the energy and it makes me feel happy and grounded. I made myself a goal to complete 30 hikes before the end of September. Now it looks like I have 29 left to go. McKenna had a sore foot and Nate decided to stay home with her, so it was just Ry, Ty, Hayley and I this time. We headed to Beauvais Lake near Pincher Creek and ate lunch there. There were two hike trails from the Beauvais Lake parking lot that we could see. We decided to do Mt. Albert. I downloaded an app called All Trails which is like the best thing ever. You can search up any area and it will list all the hikes in the area. Tell you what level it is, how many km's, elevation gain, and how long it will take you. There are also reviews, pictures, and maps. It is the handiest thing to have. It shows the trail as being a loop so we thought we'd start on the right end and then loop around, but the trails were pretty confusing and it took us a little bit of time to find the trail we wanted. Then we ended up seeing a bear on the trail so turned around to go the other way. Which ended up being better because we found the best way to go. So for all of you who might possibly want to enjoy this hike I will make it easier for you. Once you hit the first  fork, stay to the left and follow that trail. Then you'll get to another fork with 3 possible path's. Take the middle one. Its the smallest one heading into the trees. You are basically going right up the center instead of taking the loop trails (if your looking at the map). It ended up being the best way and they had these little orange diamond signs guiding you up from there...

Then it was smooth sailing from there. The hike was perfect for families. Right close to the top was the hardest and steepest part that some little kids might need help at, but other then that, a pretty easy, nice hike. We also saw a fox. A fox is my spirit animal so I was so stoked about that. It's a sign that epic things are about to happen. We made it to the top in just over an hour, sat and enjoyed the view, and then it was about 45 minutes back down. The perfect first hike for us. I highly recommend it for families.

All ready to go

Queen of the Mountain. She was our fearless leader. We could barely keep up to her

Getting the picture
The picture


One down. 29 left to go.

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