Olsen Aventures

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Oct 11, 2018

"I'm so glad I live in a World where there are October's." But seriously, I wish ours didn't always include snow. We've already had a couple snow falls since my last post on Fall. Nothing too serious but still. I just wish snow would stay where it belongs, in Winter. We are fully immersed into our new routine and life is pretty good. I've started making soups and pumpkin muffins and we picked these from my Dad's house..

And made apple crisp!

Lily and I have been enjoying our time together with gymnastics, swimming, and Stay N Play. 

Living her best life playing with pudding

Hayley joined us for Stay N Play one day
The girls auditioned for the Nutcracker. The Moscow Ballet is coming to perform at the Enmax Center in November and they include local dancers to be a part of the show too. Hayley will be a snowflake and McKenna will be a party girl and the Chinese variation. They are both really excited to dance with professional ballerina's. They will be rehearsing every Saturday until show time.

Cutest snowflakes
Besides the Nutcracker we are back at dance and are getting ready for a new competition season. McKenna is doing 7 groups and a ballet solo this year, and Hayley is doing 3 groups and a ballet duet.

Not only are the girls dancing but I also joined a barre class, which is mostly an exercise class using barre workouts. It has been tough but really fun. I'm also taking an adult tap class which I'm really excited about. I've never taken a dance class in my life but I am always tapping in my Kitchen so why not make it legit and actually know what I'm doing. It has been so much fun.

Note to Self: You are not too old, and its never too late to try something new.

The boys are just playing fortnite. Seriously, they are obsessed. Ty started Fall baseball but decided he'd had enough and needed a break. I guess a break is good but I'd like them to have more exciting things in their life besides video games. Atleast they spend a lot of time hanging out with friends too. Teenagers.

We also had Thanksgiving. We had a really nice holiday spent with both sides of our family and enjoyed two turkey dinners. I took no pictures and really just enjoyed my time eating, visiting, and playing games. Some of my favourite things to do.

I really wouldn't mind if October just stayed around forever. Well, until I'm ready for summer again.

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