Olsen Aventures

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Hiking to Bertha Lake.

Aug 3, 2018

A couple of weeks ago Brit and I dropped the kids off at the farm so we could have a nice day in Waterton together. We hiked to Bertha Lake, then walked around the townsite and down by the water. It was a perfect, beautiful day. There is just something so rejuvenating about being in nature with good company. The hike took us about 4 hours with an hour stop with a picnic lunch at Bertha Lake. The first half of the hike is pretty easy but then it gets to a bunch of switch backs that are completely uphill. Of course its worth it though because the scenery throughout the hike and at the Lake is breathtaking. A lot of the mountain was burned badly by the fire last summer. Most area's had green already growing but there was one area that was completely black. It was pretty eerie walking through it. The Lake was completely green and untouched. Both so beautiful in different ways. Man, I just love getting lost in nature.





  1. Wonderful day! We definitely need to escape like this more often. And I LOVE that picture of you in the greenery. So many stunning views!

  2. Such beautiful views. That is one I haven't done yet. Gorgeous lake.
