Olsen Aventures

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Jan 21, 2021

 We are half way through January and its actually going by quite quickly. We are definitely starting to go a little stir crazy and are anxious to be able to spend time with our friends and family again. Fingers crossed that it will be soon.

The kids had one week of online school after the holidays. It went really well. The older 3 were use to it at this point and Hayley actually brought all her stuff home so we didn’t even have to get online. I just helped her work through her stuff all week. With 4 kids we have limited devices so that worked out great. She did awesome.

They all had their own little work spaces and we made it through the week with no big problems. Hayley was to make a bird house for her science class. I put Ryan in charge of that and when I went to look at the finished product here is what I found…

I don’t know if you can tell but its pretty big. She was supposed to take it to school the next day but there was no way she was going to be able to carry it. They may have gotten a little bit carried away. Luckily I was able to send a picture to her teacher and then she showed it to the class. Now I guess we should find a space for it in our yard.

The girls went back to dance via zoom.

Its been a pretty warm January which means its been super windy. I hate the wind and wish we would just get snow and cold. But it is nice when we get some non windy days in between and we can actually enjoy the sunshine.

Ryan and the girls and I have been watching The Mandalorian. Hayley was so excited to purchase this with her own money…

Self care Sunday

The girls made edible cookie dough the other day. It was pretty good but I still prefer my cookies baked in an oven.

Well, the kids are back to in person school which is amazing. I am back at work. Now we are just patiently waiting for the rest of our lives to start to normalize. Dance at the studio, and being able to hang out with people outside of our household being at the top of our lists. I hope everyone is making it through. Sending out all the positive vibes. One day at a time.

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