Olsen Aventures

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The Teenager.

Dec 12, 2017

Yes, it is true. I have a teenager now. Nate turned 13 yesterday. It really just blows my mind, but truthfully I am glad he is my guinea pig. He's a really good kid. He's helpful, smart, kind, plus he's pretty darn handsome. He's creative, loves to write and draw, loves basketball and really likes to be at home. A Mother's dream when it comes to having teenagers. He has been babysitting a ton for me and I love that I can go out and feel confidant that he is holding down the fort at home. I think his independent siblings make it pretty easy for him but still, it feels good. We had the Malacko clan over for lunch on Sunday to celebrate. His choice of pizza, and cake. everything went great. We had a good afternoon. My favourite was surprising him with an xbox one.

To watch the video click HERE

You may have seen it on my other social media sites, but watch it again, It is that good! We've been telling him the last two years that if he saved for half we would pitch in the other half, but he's not one to do extra work, so it never happened. We had no intention of buying it this year but black Friday rolled around and Ryan found it for pretty much half off so we decided to do it (I had already purchased other things for his birthday). He really does babysit a lot and I don't pay him so I thought he definitely deserved it. We were pretty sneaky about the whole thing and I love how the video captured everything. He had a lot of us holding back the tears. He was so kind after my "mess up" and still showed gratitude. Man I love him. Sometimes you just don't know if anything your teaching actually sticks and then you get moments like this, and you see that it does. Warms my heart. Anyway, we are pretty darn proud of him.

Love you Nate!

I didn't take one stinkin picture. I haven't been feeling well so dropped the ball on that one. But here's a picture of Hayley's favourite hiding spot.

9 more days until Christmas holidays! Oh yes I am counting down. I am ready for a break.

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