Olsen Aventures

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Halloween 2017

Nov 1, 2017

I've said it before, but Halloween has never been my favourite. I'm trying to like it and get more in to it every year. This year we even decorated a bit. The kids went to the dollar store and were each allowed to choose a couple decorations and then they were in charge of putting them up. They loved it, and I actually thought it was kinda fun to have some decorations up.

Last year the girls and I went with our friends to the Stirling family Halloween dance and decided to go again this year too. I think it will be a new tradition. I love to dance so its always a win for me.

Adam and Brit hosted us for a Halloween party and we had so much fun playing games and doing some Halloween crafts.

They just got a new puppy and she is so cute and fluffy. The kids love her.

On Halloween Lily and I went and watched the kids Halloween parade at the school. Then in the evening Nate, Ty, and McKenna all went trick or treating with friends, Ryan took Hayley out with some of our friends, and I stayed home and handed out candy. Cody came and hung out with me. I was actually enjoying myself and thought "I might actually like this holiday", and then the kids got home with all their candy and I remembered why I hated it. Its really just the over abundance of candy that I hate. All that wasted money spent, candy everywhere in excess. Ty and McKenna had a ridiculous amount. Nate, and Hayley's wasn't too bad, but it seriously just sickens me out. So now I'm wondering what we can do with it all. I know some people sell their's to a dentist in town, and some donate it. Not sure what's the right fit for us yet, but we're definitely not keeping and eating it all. I told the kids next year we were keeping the trick or treating simple and just going around a couple blocks. Maybe we'll host a Halloween party next year. Anyways, whether you love it or hate it, Happy Halloween!

I also made a couple Countdown to Halloween video's on our youtube channel. Click HERE and HERE to check them out.

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