Olsen Aventures

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Oct 15, 2019

September was an interesting month for me. Usually by the end of summer I am ready to get back into a schedule and routine but this year I just wasn't. It was so hard for me to let go of summer and get back into regular life. But our last pool day came and went.

The first day of school came.

Nate - Grade 9
Ty - Grade 7
McKenna - Grade 6
Hayley - Grade 3

McKenna started school at GS Lakie this year because she wanted to be a part of their dance program. Even though its not really that far from Coalhurst it has been an adjustment driving her to and from Lethbridge. Luckily she is attending with two of her dance friends and they have been a great help and support to us. She loves GS Lakie and especially loves going to school with two of her closest friends. She had her first school dance, which she loved and also her first dance fieldtrip to Calgary where they worked with some amazing guest teachers and also got to go to the World of Dance tour show. Its been a great first month for her.

Hayley had a bit of an adjustment with being the only Olsen in her school this year. She misses having her siblings there with her and had a bit of anxiety going to school. She loves her teacher and class and is getting into the swing of things now though. The boys are doing great at the High School.

I started working two days a week at Crazy Cakes. It has been such a nice experience. I love the work and the people I am working with. It has been an adjustment being out of the house two days a week though. I haven't worked out of my house in like 10 years. I do love it but its also nice to be home alone a few days out of the week to get things done around the house and have some time for myself. I've been trying to get out and walk in the mornings.

I've also been able to volunteer for some of the kids school stuff. I had so much fun helping with the color run at the elementary school.

I love having the freedom to be there for my kids and their school stuff.

We enjoyed the short Fall weather until the snow came. Yep. We got hit with a wicked snow storm at the end of September. It was crazy how much snow we got and we even got a snow day out of the deal.

What we woke up to

Later in the afternoon

By the end of the day

It was just crazy. Sadly the weather has stayed pretty cold and we didn't get much of a Fall. Hopefully that will change though. I guess we still got some time.

Well September, can't say that I'm that sad to see you go. Bring on October.

1 comment :

  1. I'm not sorry that September is over either! Good ridden, and bring on all the fall pumpkin treats!
