Olsen Aventures

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Birthday Girl.

Mar 1, 2018

First off, how sweet was Ryan's valentine's post. I know that was a couple of post's back now but I haven't mentioned it yet. I seriously wasn't expecting it at all and it was seriously the best gift ever, and was exactly what I needed from him. Sure love that guy. Things aren't always easy but we compliment each other quite nicely and  always pull through for one another when we need to. He just had a birthday and has caught up to me once again. (he's 10 months younger then me if you didn't know that). We didn't really do anything for his birthday. Sorry honey. I guess that's kind of what happens as you get older and life gets busy. We do really love and appreciate everything he does for us. He is the best husband and Father. Love you Ry!

McKenna also had a birthday and is now in the double digit's! Didn't Nate just turn 10?!! Seriously, how do I have two pre-teens and a teenager. If you haven't noticed already, we aren't big birthday people. We celebrate with family and try to make it special but we don't really do big party's. I really struggled with what to get her this year. Both the boys got huge surprises so I felt a bit of pressure to do something special. Ry and I ended up taking her out for a special day with just the two of us. We went to Moxie's for lunch and then watched Paddington 2 in the theatre. Then we went to the mall and she picked out a stitch stuffy. The girl loves her stuffy's. It was fun and I think McKenna really loved it.

Her actual birthday was over reading week so she had a couple friends from school sleepover. We baked cupcakes together earlier in the day too. I think she had a pretty good birthday. She is seriously the most easy going child. Happiest birthday my girl!

She got a surprise when she leaned over to blow out her candles and her hair caught fire. Singed it pretty good.

The weather has finally been warming up so the kids and Ry went out to the farm and enjoyed some snowmobiling. I stayed home and cleaned the house because sometimes being able to do that alone is the best.

And yes, we are those crazy Canadians that go out for ice cream when its -20.

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