Olsen Aventures

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She's gone Christmas.

Nov 19, 2017

Just a little update. November is half way over which is crazy but at the same time I feel like the last two weeks have turtled by (gone by so slowly.) Its funny how that can happen. Thanks for all the comments and love from my last post. I actually sat down and wrote more the other day, like a part two or a continuation that I will post at some point. So what have we been up to the last couple weeks?

This might shock the pants off some people but we put our Christmas tree up. Anyone who knows me well knows I don't do Christmas until December 1st, but we've had the teeniest tree the last 10 years so I wanted to get a nice big one for our tall ceiling, so we bought a 12' tree at the end of last year because it was half off. Well let me tell ya, its huge. I wanted to put it up so we could get an idea of the size and start decorating it here and there. Its probably going to take me a few years to get that thing fully decorated, but its beautiful and I love it.

The before shot

It took us forever to decide where to put it and how to configure the rest of the furniture with it, but we got it done and are loving it. I'll probably put this baby up early every year just because it is such a process and will take me a couple weeks to get it all decorated. I even bought Toffifee the other day which is the chocolate we'd have under our tree growing up. It would sit under the tree until Christmas Eve and then we'd get to open it and eat some. I didn't make my kids wait though, we ate that thing right away. The best was hearing them try to pronounce it, and yes those are my teeth marks.

We had a big snowfall. I'm never ready for it. I feel the same way about the snow as I do about decorating for Christmas. It shouldn't snow before December but Mother Nature never seems to agree with me on this one.

At least somebody appreciates the snow. I'm sure appreciating my garage. Its also been cold. I'll fully admit I'm a huge wuss when it comes to the cold. I HATE it. Thank goodness Ry and I are headed to Hawaii in just a few short months. I will just keep thinking about that to get me through this cold.

The boys went to the farm to go snowmobiling last weekend but the girls had dance and had to stay home. It never bothers McKenna, but H was a little disappointed. We had a Costco lunch date and girls movie night to make up for it. She was happy with that.

Hayley is like me in Movies. If there is a sad part her little heart feels it and she has already cried in some movies. She usually just needs some extra cuddles. I won't complain.

Proud of her puzzle

And her splits
Nate starts basketball next week and he is beyond excited. Especially because his Dad is coaching his team. Ryan kind of got his arm twisted into it. Its so out of his comfort zone but I think he'll do great.

Well there you have it. Its cold, but life is good my friends. Life is good. Stay warm.

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