McKenna turned 9 a few weeks ago. We've been busy so I've totally slacked on getting her birthday video and blog post up. We are usually busy around the time of McKenna's bday so she's never had a party with friends. This year she really wanted one so I made sure it happened. For her actual birthday we went swimming with cousins and then had family over for supper. Last weekend she had her friends party. The girls all met at our house and then Brit and I drove them to the mall where we had a list of things they had to get pictures doing. The girls had a blast. They couldn't help but run to their next destination with excitement. Here are the tasks they had to complete:
A picture with Jose Bautista |
Trying on t-shirts |
Trying on hats |
All riding on one kiddy ride |
With Beanie Boo's |
Trying on heels |
Eating french fries |
In front of Ballerina |
With popcorn |
After the scavenger hunt we went back to our house where they played a game with candy and dice. They each started with 3 candies and then they rolled the dice. Each number rolled they had to do something with the candy like pass to the right, pass to the left, keep, or eat candy. Things like that.
Then M opened her presents and we had cupcakes and rice krispie squares. I baked chocolate and vanilla mini cupcakes and then put a strawberry or raspberry on top. I am a cheat with the icing though. I always buy my icing from bulk barn because its delicious and for some reason me and icing don't mix. I made a regular rice krispie but added sprinkles into it to make it a little more colorful and fun. I just did melted chocolate for the icing and sprinkled more sprinkles on top. Everything turned out great.
I bought a super cute pack of decorations from party city.
Then the girls just played until it was time for pick up. The party went really well and the girls had a blast. McKenna loved every minute of it. I actually really enjoyed doing it too. I want to entertain a lot when we are in our new house but I get wicked anxiety over everything being perfect so it is something I am working on. McKenna has a good group of friends. I am not huge on doing party favor's, I mean c'mon, you usually get enough stuff just with the party but I had the perfect idea for this one. I bought albums from the dollar store and then filled them with the pictures we took at the mall for the girls to take home.
And of course I made a little video. I didn't film too much so its pretty short but you can't win them all. Click
After having two boys I was really anxious to have a little girl. I hit the jack pot with this one. She is kind, patient, laid back, and so much fun. I love watching her talents grow and am so proud of how hard she works. She is an amazing big sister and friend. When McKenna came into the world my Momma was leaving it, and because of that I feel a really strong connection to her and can't wait to see what our future holds together. Love you to the moon and back my sweet girl. Happiest Birthday!
I love party city. Scavenger hunt looks fun.