Oh my gosh you guys. My cabinets are in and I am so excited. The painting is all done except for the boys bedrooms. My sister arrived today to get those painted this week. I love my cabinets and can't wait for the granite to go in at the end of the week. We've been finalizing our flooring and Ryan has been busy painting the trim for the windows and doors, and the baseboards and has started to put those up. I can't believe we are moving in 5 weeks! So much to do to get ready. We are trying to get out of our lease a couple months early so we need to find someone to rent the house we are in right now. If you know of anyone send them our way. Its a small 3 bedroom starter home and is in great condition and in a nice neighborhood. They will also sell it if they find a buyer. They already had someone come look at it this afternoon so we were busy cleaning and getting ready for that. I hate/love having to have my house ready to be shown at a moments notice. Hopefully we will find someone for May so we don't have to pay rent and a mortgage.
I am falling more in love with our house everyday.
Kitchen from livingroom |
Kitchen from dining area |
Built in computer desk |
Master bathroom cabinets |
And of course I made a video. Click
HERE to watch.
Nice contrast of island and other cabinets.