Olsen Aventures

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Halloween 2016

Nov 1, 2016

Usually I despise Halloween and I complain, complain, complain, but this year I finally embraced the inevitable and just sucked it up and joined in on the fun. Maybe one day I'll actually even like the holiday. Nate was a dabbing basketball player, Ty the grim reaper, McKenna a witch, and Hayley and I were both Minnie Mouse. She was pink Minnie and I was red Minnie. I was lucky enough to get Ryan to take the evening off so I thought making him dress up might push it. The girls and I went out to our friends for a Halloween dance in their community a couple of days before Halloween. We had so much fun, and I even got Tamara out on the dance floor.

The kids had their school parties in the afternoon of Halloween. It was Hayley's first one and she had tons of fun. I volunteered to help in McKenna's class for an hour for some minute to winute games. It was fun, but after the hour I was pretty tired and went home to have a nap (am I really that old).

All the Witch's

Halloween night the boys were so excited to go off on their own with friends. I gave them 2 hours. They had fun and got way too much candy. Ryan and I took the girls around the block in our neighborhood then I went home to hand out candy, and Ry and the girls went to the neighborhood were our house is and went a bit longer. Cody came and hung out with me while I handed out candy. We had a fun night. But now we have all this sugar. blah. Hayley and McKenna were bouncing off the walls last night. I still have a love/hate relationship with Halloween.

Click HERE if you want to see the video of our Halloween festivities.

And then there is this cute little pumpkin...

We just love her. She especially loves Ryan, which is odd for a baby. I guess I see what she see's.

This girl has been working hard on her splits and she finally got her left one's.

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