Olsen Aventures

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New playground & walls.

Sep 3, 2016

Its the long weekend but we don't have anything exciting going on. Just trying to get ourselves ready for the start of school. Ryan is working on the house all weekend. Today we put our two big living room walls up. They go all the way up passed the second floor and to the roof so they are massive. Ryan got a crane to put the side one up and then he used a lift to get the back one up. It was really cool to watch and it just amazes me how everything is all coming together. Its pretty incredible to see a plan on a piece of paper come to life and is now an actual house, that my husband has built I might add. Sure makes me appreciate this home even more. I am getting so excited. Our house is amongst a bunch of starter homes so it is definitely the tallest house on the street. I guess a few people have called and complained to the town about how tall it is, which just floors me. Who does that. When you build a house you have to get permits and everything has to be up to code, so we aren't doing anything wrong. Its not like the town can do anything about it. Some people are so silly. Anyway, I am falling more and more in love with this house everyday.

McKenna's bedroom window

Check out my beautiful windows on the back wall.

Here is the link if you want to watch my video of the wall getting put up olsens build

Our school got a new playground over the last weekend so the girls and I went to check it out today. It is actually pretty cool. I even climbed all over it and played. And my favourite part is that there are no little rocks! I despise those things. Its wood shavings instead. The girls were both extremely happy with it.

I love the tree house theme

1 comment :

  1. What a fun playground. Can't believe how fast your house is going. That's awesome.
