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Feb 13, 2015

Has your body tensed up? Is your heart pounding and head spinning wondering what I'm going to say? Am I pro or anti? Are you going to have to unfriend  me on facebook...not look me in the eye when I speak to you...or keep your kids away from my kids...

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not writing on whether I vaccinate or not, or whether I'm anti or pro. To be honest, I'm not really either. I haven't chosen a side to fully support. I agree and disagree with ideas on both sides. What I do want to write about is all the hate, negativity, and finger pointing that happens when discussing this topic. This has been bothering me for a long time, like years and years. I guess I finally have the courage to voice that, or maybe the time, or I'm just tired of having all these articles and links taking up my news feed. Whatever it is, I'm finally doing it. Mostly to stop the madness in my mind. Blogging is very therapeutic for me.

So anyway, here it is:

Please just stop it. The hate, anger, blame, name calling. It all needs to stop. Honestly I think it is more dangerous then immunizing or not immunizing. You can't control what other people think and feel. If your really passionate about said topic then write about it. Share why you have chosen whatever side you're on, and how it has effected your life. We all have a story, a reason we have made the decision we have. But don't do it with hate, or calling other parents idiots, or saying they can't possibly love their child they way you do, or one of my favourites, calling them my "damn kids" (really the title of that article turned me away from reading it all together). If you have something important to say, then say it in a manner which isn't going to turn people away. No one is really listening to you when you're ranting (I promise that is not what I am doing:) There are a lot of parents out there who are earnestly trying to decide what to do, to decide what is be best for their children and family. They need you. They need the facts and reasons, but they also need your love and support. It is not an easy decision for everyone. We all have our own experiences, and priorities. Lets respect that.

What you can control is your own decisions and the way you live your life. Protect yourself and your children by being as healthy as possible so your bodies can fight off illness the way it was made to do. Immunizing isn't enough. Eat the best foods, get off the electronics and get out and play (also known as exercise) with your kids, take pleasure in having real, honest connections with others, fill your life with positivity, and love and serve others. This is the best immunity you could give you and your family. Sometimes things happen, and it sucks. But playing the blame game doesn't make it any better. It actually can make it worse and stop you from growing and moving on.

So please. We are all in this together. you don't have to agree with someone to still listen, love, and support. I guess this isn't just to all of you beautiful people who love to discuss immunizations, but for all of you that have opinions about hot, controversial, or any topic really. Share the love, kindness, and respect through your comments. I am sure you teach your children to treat others kindly so what gives you the right to treat someone to the opposite of that. I know it will make the internet a better, safer place to share thoughts and ideas.

Okay. Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Thanks for stopping by and listening.

p.s seriously though, this isn't a rant:)

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